Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council - CWaC - are proposing further 20MPH zones for Frodsham. This is what Councillors Andrew Dawson and Lynn Riley have to say on the matter:
"CWaC will shortly be publicising more 20mph zones for Frodsham. At the bottom of the blog you'll find all the relevant maps. Most of our residential roads will be signed as being 20mph roads.
The data collected by CWaC shows that most of us don't travel at more than 20mph on most of these roads - so changing the speed limit merely reflects what most of us are already doing in any event.
Most of what is proposed in four separate scheme is uncontoversial - such as bringing 20mph to Ship Street, Ashton Drive, Volunteer Street and surrounding roads. Similarly with regard to the blanket coverage of the Lakes Estate, Townfield Lane and Fairways etc. This echos a scheme I proposed for the Lakes Estate a few years ago.
However there are aspects that we all need to think about.
How do we feel about 20mph on already traffic calmed Howey Lane? How do we balance the needs of those who live on Howey Lane with the traffic that uses that road to enter and leave Frodsham? Howey Lane is one of the few roads where average speeds are higher than 20mph - at around 24mph. That said the extra few seconds travelling along Howey Lane at 20mph shouldn't be an issue.
How do we feel about the short lengths of road - such as Foxglove Court off Fluin Lane? These short roads when off a 30mph road will remain at 30mph? There is no logical justification in my view for treating that road any differently to any other residential road. You can't travel along Foxglove Court at 30mph anyway - or indeed I suspect 20mph - however that argument hasn't been accepted elsewhere such as at Maori Drive.
Then there are roads like Top Road, Overton Drive, Newlands Close that are not part of these schemes.
I don't have the exact figures for how much these schemes will cost. I suspect they will be amongst the largest and most expensive - and that would suggest at least around £25,000 - although I suspect it will be more.
So if you had £25,000 to spend on road safety schemes in Frodsham - would you choose putting your money into 20mph signs on roads where those speeds are not exceeded or something else? I know many people want to see a pelican crossing on Bridge Lane by the Chinese Delight. That would cost a little more than £25,000. That isn't a straight forward fix by the way. What about spending that money in putting in a pavement (it would cost more) on Manley Road around Newlands Close?
Would you put the £25,000 on bringing a quality CCTV system to Frodsham?"
Please see attahchments for the proposed areas with the new speed restrictions.